

HOK is a global provider of planning, design and delivery solutions for the…

24 Fantastic Future Wonders of Green Design

Written by Urbanist on November 23rd, 2008 - from…


Interior of Cubic Church by Heinz Tesar, UNO-City, Vienna, Austria…

Jan Kaplicky (1937 - 2009) founder of future systems

Jan Kaplicky's Selfridges department store, Birmingham The world-renowned…

Going to the rooftops to stop climate change

究竟 Green Roof 的中文譯名是甚麼?據網上百科全書 Wikipedia所說,Green Roof 就是綠化屋頂。 在8月18日我們 IMechE…


E-architects Is a very good website for search famous building in all over the…

Capsule Tower 黑川紀章

黑川纪章(1934年—— ),日本著名建筑大师。…

Jetson Green: Eco-Lab

This could just be one of the most innovative sustainable designs you'll see…

Jestico + Whiles

Really good sustainable architecture design company.

Design Theory & Research

Gerrit Rietveld Gerrit Rietveld Design Theory & Research Here is very good…